Dr. Sandra Walzenbach

Fach: 40
Telefon: +49 7531 88-3345
Raum: F 533
E-Mail: Sandra.Walzenbach

Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung


Methoden der Empirischen Sozialforschung und Survey Methodologie, insbesondere:

  •  Survey Experimente
  •  Survey Methodologie: heikle Fragen und soziale Erwünschtheit, Randomized Response Techniques und Crosswise Modell, Modus- und Interviewereffekte und Fälschungen durch Interviewer
  •  Faktorielle Surveys
  •  Zustimmung zu Datenverknüpfungen



(forthcoming) (mit Annette Jäckle, Jonathan Burton, Mick P. Couper, Thomas F. Crossley):  How and why does the mode of data collection affect consent to data linkage? Survey Research Methods.

(2022) (mit Jonathan Burton, Mick P. Couper, Thomas F. Crossley, Annette Jäckle): Experiments On Multiple Requests For Consent to Data Linkage in Surveys. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology. https://doi.org/10.1093/jssam/smab053

(2021) Do Falsifiers Leave Traces? Finding Recognizable Response Patterns in Interviewer Falsifications. methods, data, analyses 15(2): 125-160.

(2019) (mit Thomas Hinz): Pouring water into wine: revisiting the advantages of the crosswise model for asking sensitive questions. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field. https://surveyinsights.org/?p=10323

(2019) Hiding Sensitive Topics by Design? An Experiment on the Reduction of Social Desirability Bias in Factorial Surveys. Survey Research Methods, 13(1), 103-121.

(2019) (mit Katrin Auspurg und Thomas Hinz): Are Factorial Survey Experiments Prone to Survey Mode Effects? In: Allyson Holbrook, Paul Lawrakas [Eds], Experimental Methods in Survey Research: Techniques that Combine Random Sampling with Random Assignment. Wiley.


(2021) (mit Jonathan Burton, Mick P. Couper, Thomas F. Crossley, Annette Jäckle): How do survey respondents decide whether to consent to data linkage? Understanding Society Working Paper 2021-05. Colchester: University of Essex.

(2020) (mit Michaela Benzeval, Jonathan Burton, Thomas F. Crossley et al.): Briefing note COVID-19 survey: family relationships. Understanding Society Working Paper Series 2020-13.

(2019) (mit Jonathan Burton, Roxanne Connelly, Mick P. Couper et al.): Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave II: Results from Methodological Experiments. Understanding Societiey Working Paper Series, 2019-3

Präsentationen (Auswahl)

(2021) To link or not to link - Decision making in the context of data linkage requests. Analytical Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications, Venedig

(2021) Consent to Data Linkage: Wording and Placement Experiments. European Survey Research Association conference (online).

(2020) Understanding and Improving Data Linkage Consent in Surveys: A Preliminary Overview of Findings. Presentation at the Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM), Pompeu Fabra Barcelona.

(2019) Foot in the Door or Door in the Face? A Survey Experiment on Multiple Requests for Consent to Data Linkage. Poster Presentation at “Digital Societies 2019”, Konstanz.

(2019) Do Falsifiers leave Traces? Finding Recognizable Response Patterns in Interviewer Falsifications. Presentation at the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Zagreb.

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang