The importance of horizontal segregation for labour market inequalities between male and female higher education graduates

The research project focusses on gender inequalities among male and female higher education graduates, especially the importance of gender-typical subject choice. Although today’s women are higher qualified than men and graduate more often from higher education institutions, they continue to be disadvantaged on the labour market. Women chose different subjects than men; after graduating, they have a higher risk of being non-employed or part-time employed; they work in different occupations and have lower status jobs. In previous research about gender inequalities on the labour market, less attention has been paid to the highly qualified. The focus of the research project is to assess the importance of horizontal segregation of subjects and occupations for unequal labour market chances between male and female higher education graduates.

Funding period: 2008 - 2017

In cooperation with:  Prof. Dr. Kathrin Leuze, Universität Hannover


Why do occupations dominated by women pay less? How 'female-typical' work tasks and working-time arrangments affect the gender wage gap among higher education graduates. In: Work, employment and society, 1-19.

Female-Typical Subjects and Their Effect on Wage Inequalities among Higher Education Graduates in Germany (together with Kathrin Leuze), in: European Societies, Jg. 14 (2), pp. 275-298

Further education of higher education graduates - the more, the better? (together with Kathrin Leuze), in: European Journal of Education, vol. 48(3), pp. 436-453

Lohnungleichheiten zwischen Akademikerinnen und Akademikern: der Einfluss von fachlicher Spezialisierung, frauendominerten Fächern und beruflicher Segregation (together with Kathrin Leuze), in: Zeitschrift für Soziologie, vol. 38 (4), pp. 262-281

Berufliche Spezialisierung und Weiterbildung – Determinanten des Arbeitsmarkterfolgs von GeisteswisssenschaftlerInnen (together with Kathrin Leuze), in: Solga, Heike, et al.: Findigkeit in unsicheren Zeiten. Ergebnisse des Expertisenwettbewerbs „Arts and Figures – GeisteswissenschaftlerInnen im Beruf. Opladen: Barbara Budrich, pp. 67-93