Prof. Dr. Susanne Strauß is Professor of Sociology with a focus on Gender Studies in the Department of History, Sociology, Sport Science and Empirical Educational Research at the University of Konstanz.
Currently she is Principal Investigator of the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality" at the University of Konstanz.
Since October 2023, she has been "Head of Department" at the Department of History, Sociology, Sport Science and Empirical Educational Research at the University of Konstanz.
Office hours
During semester break:
By appointment via email to Prof. Strauß
Research Interests
The Working Group „Sociology with a Focus on Gender Studies“ concentrates on the following topics in research and teaching:
- Gender inequalities in the labour market and educational system;
- Cross-country comparisons regarding the division of labour between couples in paid employment and unpaid work (i.e. care work at home or volunteering in the community).
Research Cooperations
- Exzellenzcluster The Politics of Inequality
Selected Publications
Strauss, S., Brüggemann, O., and Lang, J. (2024). Who Perceives Lower Wages for Women to be Fair? How Perceptions of the Fairness of Men’s and Women’s Wages Vary by Firm and Workplace Characteristics (Working Paper No. 29). Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality”.
Galos, D.R., Strauss, S. & Hinz, T. Discrimination or a Competitive Climate? Why Women Cannot Translate Their Better High School Grades into University Grades. Res High Educ (2024).
Bellani, L., Bertogg, A., Kulic, N., Strauß, S. (2024). Does raising awareness about inequality decrease support for school closures? An information treatment survey experiment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Genus 80, 7 (2024).
Marczuk, A. & Strauß, S. (2023). Does context matter? The gendered impact of study conditions on dropout intentions from higher education. In: Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft (3), 2023.
Stefani, A., Hinz, T., & Strauß, S. (2023). Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland: Fokusanalysen zur Attraktivität von Masterstudiengängen. (DZHW Brief 02|2023). Hannover: DZHW.
Galos, D.R., Strauß, S. (2023): Why do women opt for gender-atypical fields of study? The increasing role of income motivation over time. High Educ 85, 795–817., Springer. - ISSN 0018-1560. - eISSN 1573-174X
Haupt Andreas, Strauß Susanne (2022). Long-Term Trends in the Gender Income Gap within Couples: West Germany, 1978–2011, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 2022;, jxac019,
Meyer, J., Leuze, K. & Strauß, S. (2022). Individual Achievement, Person-Major Fit, or Social Expectations: Why Do Students Switch Majors in German Higher Education?. Res High Educ 63, 222–247.
Bertogg, Ariane, Kulic, Nevena, Strauß, Susanne (2021): Protected through Part-time Employment? Labor Market Status, Domestic Responsibilities, and the Life Satisfaction of German Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, online first,
Strauß, Susanne, (2021). Multiple engagement : the relationship between informal care-giving and formal volunteering among Europe's 50+ population. In: Ageing and Society. Cambridge University Press (CUP). 41(7), pp. 1562-1586. ISSN 0144-686X. eISSN 1469-1779. Available under: doi: 10.1017/S0144686X19001764
Bertogg, Ariane, Strauß, Susanne, Vandecasteele, Leen (2020): Linked lives, linked retirement? Relative income differences within couples and gendered retirement decisions in Europe, in: Advances in Life Course Research, doi:
Bertogg, Ariane, Nazio,Tiziana, Strauß, Susanne (2020): Work–family balance in the second half of life: Caregivers' decisions regarding retirement and working time reduction in Europe, in: Social Policy & Administration, 1–16.
Kulic, Nevena, Dotti Sani, Giulia, Strauß, Susanne, Bellani, Luna (2020): Economic Disturbances in the COVID-19 Crisis and their Gendered Impact on Unpaid Activities in Germany and Italy, in: European Societies , online first:
Bertogg, Ariane, Strauß, Susanne (2020): Spousal care-giving arrangements in Europe. The role of gender, socio-economic status and the welfare state, in: Ageing & Society, Vol. 40(4): 735-758. doi: 10.1017/S0144686X18001320
Meyer Jasmin /Strauß Susanne (2019). The influence of gender composition in a field of study on students’ dropout of higher education, in: European Journal of Education, online first doi:
Strauß, Susanne/Trommer, Kathrin (2018): Productive ageing regimes in Europe: welfare state typologies explaining elderly Europeans' participation in paid and unpaid work. Journal of Population Ageing, 11 (4), pp. 311-328. DOI: 10.1007/s12062-017-9184-4
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Leuze, Kathrin/Strauß, Susanne (2016): Why do occupations dominated by women pay less? How 'female-typical' work tasks and working-time arrangments affect the gender wage gap among higher education graduates. In: Work, employment and society, Jg. 30(5), S.802-820.⇒ LINK KOPS Uni Konstanz
Leuze, Kathrin/Strauß, Susanne (2014): Female-Typical Subjects and Their Effect on Wage Inequalities among Higher Education Graduates in Germany. In: European Societies, Vol. 16, No. 2, Special Issue "School-to-Work Transitions", S. 275-298.
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Strauß, Susanne (2014): Ehrenamt. In: Günter Endruweit/Gisela Trommsdorff/Nicole Burzan (Hg.): Wörterbuch der Soziologie. UTB. Konstanz/München: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, S. 85.⇒ LINK KOPS Uni Konstanz
Strauß, Susanne/Leuze, Kathrin (2013): Further education of higher education graduates - the more, the better?, in: European Journal of Education, Jg. 48 (3), S.436-453 ⇒ LINK KOPS Uni Konstanz
Frommert, Dina/Strauß, Susanne (2013): Biografische Einflussfaktoren auf den Gender Pension Gap - ein Kohortenvergleich für Westdeutschland, in: Journal for Labour Market Research, Jg. 46 (2), S.145-166⇒ LINK KOPS Uni Konstanz
Publication list
More publications
Current courses
Title | Type |
Colloquium Empirical Social Research | Doctoral student seminar |
Colloquium for Exam Candidates, Doctoral Candidates and Post-Docs | Colloquium |
Perceptions and Gender Inequality | Seminar |
Gender Inequalities | Seminar |
Colloquium Empirical Social Research | Colloquium |
Short CV
10/2014 - present
Professor for Sociology with a Focus on Gender Studies (W3), University of Konstanz
Principle investigator of the DFG funded project on: Productive Ageing in Europe: The importance of waged work, family work and volunteering, Berlin Social Science Center (WZB)
03/2007 – 03/2014
Researcher/assistant professor of sociology at the Institute of Sociology, University of Tuebingen
Substitute junior professor of demography, Humboldt University Berlin
10/2012 – 03/2013
Guest researcher at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), Research Unit German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP)
PhD in Sociology (Dr. rer. pol.) at the Graduate School of Social Sciences (GSSS), University of Bremen, Germany
M.A. (Diplom) of Psychology, University of Hamburg, Germany
MSc of Social Psychology, London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE), Great Britain