In the 2019-2020 academic year, the unit of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Konstanz has received a new Humboldt Fellow, Dr. Yonatan N. Gez, whose work will focus on the ‘afterlives’ of development interventions in East Africa.
As part of a new bilateral agreement between the University of Konstanz and the University of Yangon in Myanmar, Myo Thitsar Khine is enrolled in the MA-programme “Anthropology and Sociology” at the Department of History and Sociology.
As part of a new bilateral agreement between the University of Konstanz and the University of Yangon in Myanmar, Myo Thitsar Khine is enrolled in the MA-programme “Anthropology and Sociology” at the Department of History and Sociology.
The international workshop 'Movement, Protest and Activism' takes place in Konstanz and aims for an interdisciplinary exchange. October 24th ‒ October 25th, 2019 Bodenseeforum Konstanz | University of Konstanz.
Interview mit Professor für Ethnologie und Kulturanthropologie der Universität Konstanz - Prof. Dr. Thomas Kirsch - zu einem seiner Forschungsfelder "Versicherheitlichung".
Mehr zu dem Thema, können Sie auf der DGSKA-Tagung 2019 erfahren: Die Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie zum Thema “Das Ende der Aushandlungen?” findet vom 29. September bis 2. Oktober 2019 an der Universität Konstanz statt.