Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer
Judith Beyer is an anthropologist with a specialization in political and legal anthropology. She currently conducts multi-sited ethnographic research in Europe, including Germany. Previously, she worked in and on Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan) and Southeast Asia (Myanmar). Her research focuses on the anthropology of law, the anthropology of the state and statelessness, and theories of singularity and sociality. Her current thematic interests are: we-formation and community, expert activism, practices of (neo-)traditionalization, and exploring the overlaps between anthropology and psychoanalysis.
Theoretically, she draws on existential anthropology, ethnomethodology, and the work of Jacques Lacan.
In 2024, she will be Professeure invitée at the University Paris-Nanterre.
In 2022, she was the prize winner of both the Teaching Innovation Fund (TIF) and the Tina Ulmer-Teaching Award at the University of Konstanz.
In 2019, she was Professeure invitée at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris.
In 2018, Judith Beyer has been awarded a Fernand Braudel Associate Directorship (Directeur d’Études Associés) by the Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH) in Paris.
Judith Beyer is a long-time mentor of Minerva Femme-Net, a network for female scientists at the Max Planck Society.
She is a Member of the International Advisory Board of the peer-reviewed journal Central Asian Survey, and an Associate Member of the European Network on Statelessness (ENS).
At the University of Konstanz she heads the Hilde Domin Training Programme (HDTP) for students at risk, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
For a full CV see here.
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