Prof. Suyarkulova Teaches on Activism

The Working Group Social and Political Anthropology is excited to announce that Prof. Mohira Suyarkulova (American University in Central Asia) will be teaching two Master courses on the topic of ‘activism’ this winter term as part of our Master programme “Anthropology and Sociology”.

Prof. Mohira Suyarkulova (American University in Central Asia) is a political scientist with ethnographic training. She currently teaches at the Department of Psychology at the American University in Central Asia in Kyrgyzstan. She has a long-standing interest in the anthropology of activism, infrastructure and feminism. This winter term, she offers two (online) Master courses: one introductory course for all Master students interested in the topic of activism and one advance Master course for Master students already carrying out their own research on this topic, as well as our PhD candidates working on activism in South Africa and Myanmar. Welcome Prof. Suyarkulova!