Pressemeldung zum neuen DFG Projekt „Aktuelle europäische Binnen- und Flüchtlingsmigration nach Deutschland: Zuzugsprozesse und frühe Integrationsverläufe“ (zur Meldung vom 06.09.2017)
“Der Lehrstuhl für Ethnologie und Kulturanthropologie freut sich über die erfolgreich abgeschlossene Promotion von Dr. des Sarah Fuchs, die zum Thema "Kriminelle Kultur? Kontroversen um Menschenhandel und bettelnde Koranschüler in Senegal” gearbeitet hat.
James Ferguson, renowned anthropologist at Stanford University, held this year’s Dahrendorf Lecture on July 5, 2017 at the University of Konstanz on „Presence and Social Obligation. An Essay on the Share“. Contrasting the concept of nationhood with the logics of what he calls „presence“, Ferguson explored whom social obligation could – or should – address to benefit society as a whole.
State police forces in Africa are a curiously neglected subject of study, even within the framework of security issues and African states. This book brings together criminologists, anthropologists, sociologists, historians, political scientists and others who have engaged with police forces across the continent and the publics with whom they interact to provide street-level perspectives from below and inside Africa’s police forces.
Divergent resource claims in plural ecologies. Case studies from Southeast Asia (Workshop). Organized by Judith Beyer (University of Konstanz) and Birgit Bräuchler (Monash University, Australia).
Prof. Dr. James Ferguson ist Professor am Department of Anthropology der Stanford University. Zuletzt veröffentlichte er: Give a Man a Fish. Reflections on the New Politics of Distribution (Duke UP, 2015).