Our PhD candidate Carolin Hirsch discusses in her article "'Rescuing' Food. Dumpster Diving as Political Activism" the links between food activism and political protest.
The Role of Education and Educational–Occupational Mismatches in Decisions Regarding Commuting and Interregional Migration from Eastern to Western Germany
Für das kommende akademische Jahr wird Prof. Diehl im Rahmen des Lanzeitdozentenprogramms des DAAD an der University of Toronto in Kanada den Hannah Arendt Gastlehrstuhl übernehmen.
Our PhD candidate Carolin Hirsch gave together with Ada Chai an interview to "Opinion Leaders" on MI Radio, speaking about gender and sexual harassment in Yangon. They co-founded the initiative "Break The Silence: #AskForZarni" in Myanmar. This initiative raises awareness regarding sexual harassment and assault in the public space in Myanmar's former capital Yangon.
In her (Blog-) article 'Accountability in statelessness', Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer presents the outline of her ongoing research project, her role of being an country-of-origin expert in asylum cases and the anthropological concept of accountability. She furthermore presents ways in which accountablity is interlinked with statelessness.
Claudia Diehl (Mitglied im Sachverständigenrat deutscher Stiftungen für Migration und Integration sowie Co-Sprecherin des Clusters "die politische Dimension von Ungleichheit") im Interview mit dem "Südkurier"