Current news

Prof Beyer at Heidelberg University

Prof Dr Judith Beyer will talk about "Rethinking Community in Myanmar: Practices of We-Formation among Muslims and

Hindus in Urban Yangon" at Heidelberg University on 17.05.2022, 5 p.m.

The lecture is part of the Colloquium Series of the Institute of Anthropology at Heidelberg University in the summer term 2022.

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Two new associates

The Working Group "Social and Political Anthropology" welcomes two new associate members: Prof. Jessica Greenberg and Dr. Mohammad Baqer Zaki.

Myanmar at the International Court of Justice

Judith Beyer writes on the Myanmar military's appearance at the International Court of Justice in The Hague on 21 February 2021 and explains the background as well as the implications of the assemblance.

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New article by Dr Jon Schubert

In the “Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute”, Dr Jon Schubert published an article on the “fainting wave” in Angolan schools since 2011. Considering the historicity and materiality of the phenomenon he investigates its context and reasons for emergence.

Neue Publikation von Prof. Dr. Beyer: Nationalismus oder Terrorismus?

In dem Artikel: „Nationalismus oder Terrorismus? Das Beispiel des burmesischen Mönchs Wirathu“ im Band „Terrorismus im 21. Jahrhundert. Perspektiven. Kontroversen. Blinde Flecken“ der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung informiert Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer über den Buddhismus in Myanmar und dessen zentrale Stellung in gesellschaftlicher, politischer und militärischer Perspektive. Sie beschreibt den Fall des einflussreichen buddhistischen Mönches Wirathu, der an der noch immer präsenten…

Research Position

A research position at the Working Group “Social and Political Anthropology,” headed by Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer, is available for three and a half years, starting April 01, 2022.

Current news

Prof Beyer at Heidelberg University

Prof Dr Judith Beyer will talk about "Rethinking Community in Myanmar: Practices of We-Formation among Muslims and

Hindus in Urban Yangon" at Heidelberg University on 17.05.2022, 5 p.m.

The lecture is part of the Colloquium Series of the Institute of Anthropology at Heidelberg University in the summer term 2022.

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Two new associates

The Working Group "Social and Political Anthropology" welcomes two new associate members: Prof. Jessica Greenberg and Dr. Mohammad Baqer Zaki.

Myanmar at the International Court of Justice

Judith Beyer writes on the Myanmar military's appearance at the International Court of Justice in The Hague on 21 February 2021 and explains the background as well as the implications of the assemblance.

[Translate to Englisch:]

New article by Dr Jon Schubert

In the “Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute”, Dr Jon Schubert published an article on the “fainting wave” in Angolan schools since 2011. Considering the historicity and materiality of the phenomenon he investigates its context and reasons for emergence.

Neue Publikation von Prof. Dr. Beyer: Nationalismus oder Terrorismus?

In dem Artikel: „Nationalismus oder Terrorismus? Das Beispiel des burmesischen Mönchs Wirathu“ im Band „Terrorismus im 21. Jahrhundert. Perspektiven. Kontroversen. Blinde Flecken“ der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung informiert Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer über den Buddhismus in Myanmar und dessen zentrale Stellung in gesellschaftlicher, politischer und militärischer Perspektive. Sie beschreibt den Fall des einflussreichen buddhistischen Mönches Wirathu, der an der noch immer präsenten…

Research Position

A research position at the Working Group “Social and Political Anthropology,” headed by Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer, is available for three and a half years, starting April 01, 2022.