Political Sociology

Political sociology analyzes the relationship between politics and society. It is therefore concerned with social movements that take up and articulate new issues and problems. Our research focuses on movements that address issues of transnational justice and civil society regulation and seek to mobilize both a global public and politically or ethically motivated consumers. In addition, we observe the emergence and development of new social movements in the context of the Corona pandemic.


  • Holzer, B. (2021). Zwischen Protest und Parodie: Strukturen der "Querdenken"-Kommunikation auf Telegram. In S. Reichardt (Ed.), Die Misstrauensgemeinschaft der Querdenker. Frankfurt/New York: Campus, pp. 125–157.
  • Holzer, B. (2020). Politische Soziologie: Eine Einführung (2nd edition). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Link to the Working Group

„Knowledge Practices and Social Movements“