19.12.2023 Interview mit Boris Holzer zum Thema Schenken im Campus-Magazin "All I want for Christmas: Die Regeln des Schenkens"
15.12.2023 New publication Prof. Boris Holzer, Ph.D. Lexikon des systemischen Arbeitens, Carl-Auer Verlag
01.04.2023 New team member We welcome our new academic team member Maja Präger, M.A., from April 1st, 2023 in the research group General Sociology and Macrosociology.
24.01.2022 WDR news with an interview with Boris Holzer, among others "Vernetzt auf Telegram: Wie gefährlich ist die Impfgegner-Szene in NRW?"
01.10.2021 New team member We welcome our new academic team member Johannes Klein, M.A., from October 1, 2021 in the research group General Sociology and Macrosociology.
16.06.2021 online: Holzer, Boris (2018): Varieties and variations of functional differentiation In: Soziale Systeme 23 (1-2), pp 15–30.