Working with Narratives - Interdisciplinary Conversations - Workshop
Narrative and storytelling are at the center of long-standing academic discussions in various disciplines like philology, psychology, social anthropology and sociology. In order to find out more about narrative approaches — and approaches to narratives —, their differences and commonalities, we would like to bring academics and practitioners of relevant disciplinary backgrounds into conversation.
As a special guest, we invited Dr. Chené Swart who works as narrative consultant and lectures at the University of Pretoria and at the University of Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa. She will introduce her re-authoring approach that is grounded in narrative therapy.
All participants will get the opportunity to briefly present the ways in which they use narrative or story-telling in their work. Afterwards, we will move to an informal discussion moderated by Prof. Kirsten Mahlke, Professor for Cultural Theory. As the idea is to facilitate interdisciplinary discourse in an informal setting, it is not necessary to prepare a presentation.
Wed, 24 May 2017, 5:00 pm
University of Konstanz, room D 430
Prof. Kirsten Mahlke and Melanie Brand