Update on the situation in Myanmar

On March 12 Prof. Beyer was interviewed by “rbb inforadio” on the topic „Vom Militär verhängter Ausnahmezustand in Myanmar“ [state of emergency imposed by the military in Myanmar] and talked about the demonstrations that have superseded the everyday life of the local population since February 1. Despite the rising violence by the military, that amount to crimes against humanity, people continue taking to the streets. Mediation offers coming from international actors send the wrong signal, as this would legitimise the State Administration Council (SAC) as partner. Possibilities to help are: non-bureaucratic asylum for politically persecuted, support of the democratically elected parliamentarians, the civil disobedience movement (CDM) and of local media.

Listen to the full interview “Vom Militär verhängter Ausnahmezustand in Myanmar“. [in German]