Dr. Marco Bitschnau

Postdoctoral Researcher


Marco Bitschnau is a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Sociology with a Focus on Social Movements since May 2023. Before coming to Konstanz, he studied sociology, political science, and economics at Zeppelin Universität (B.A., 2017), the University of Cambridge (MPhil, 2018), and the Université de Neuchâtel (Ph.D. summa cum laude, 2022), where he was also a fellow of the Swiss National Center of Competence in Research on Migration and Mobility Studies (NCCR - on the move). During his doctoral studies, he spent seven months as a visiting researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, while other academic and professional experiences took him to Berlin, Paris, Saint Petersburg, and the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations in New York. 

Curriculum Vitae 

PDF Curriculum Vitae Dr. Marco Bitschnau

Selected Publications 

Marco Bitschnau und Gianni D’Amato (2023). Continuum, Process, Dyad: Three Readings of the Migration–Mobility–Nexus. Migration Studies, forthcoming.

Marco Bitschnau (2023). Transformation oder Bahnrabatte? Zu den Forderungsdilemmata der Letzten Generation. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen (FJSB+), forthcoming.

Marco Bitschnau und Marlene Mußotter (2023). When perception strikes back: Testing popular agreement with Blank and Schmidt’s item categorization. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, forthcoming.

Marco Bitschnau (2023). Students or internationals? Governing international student mobility in Germany and the UK. Comparative Migration Studies, forthcoming.

Marco Bitschnau (2023). Nur Ärger mit der Flüchtlingskrise? Zur Ehrenrettung eines ambiguen Begriffs. Zeitschrift für Migrationsforschung, online first.

Philipp Lutz und Marco Bitschnau (2023). Misperceptions about immigration: reviewing their nature, motivations and determinants. British Journal of Political Science, 53(2), 674–689.

Marco Bitschnau und Marlene Mußotter (2022). (National) pride and (conceptual) prejudice: Critical remarks on the distinction between patriotism and nationalism. Journal of Political Ideologies, online first.

Marco Bitschnau (2022). Populistische Scheinriesen, populistisches Schein-rising. Zeitschrift für Politik, 69(3), 287–302.

Marco Bitschnau (2021). Keine Lust auf niemanden. Merkur, No. 871 (Dezember 2021), 38–46.

Marco Bitschnau, Dennis Lichtenstein und Birte Fähnrich (2021). The “refugee crisis” as an opportunity structure for right-wing populist social movements: The case of PEGIDA. Studies in Communication Sciences, 21(2), 361–373.

Marco Bitschnau, Leslie Ader, Didier Ruedin und Gianni D’Amato (2021). Politicising immigration in times of crisis: empirical evidence from Switzerland. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(17), 3864–3890.

Research Interests  

His research interests span various subfields of international political sociology, including the study of migration, crises, populism, and social conflict. Another, more recent focus is the survey-based study of politically significant misperceptions and their determinants.