Research Projects

The current research project of the Research Group on Higher Education is the joint survey "One for All. The Student Survey in Germany", which is conducted together with the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) and the German National Association for Student Affairs (DSW) and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). This project already started in 2018 with the instrument creation and the set-up of the collaborative project. The field start, originally planned for 2020, had to be postponed to 2021 due to the corona crisis. In May 2021, the survey has started into the field. After completion of the field phase from September 2021, the data was processed and initial analyses were carried out. Three policy papers were published in 2022 and a report on the study situation under online conditions in December 2023.

Research projects that have already been completed include a feasibility study on rapid response research, the special coronavirus survey from 2020 and an incentive study that was conducted at the University of Konstanz in 2019.  Furthermore, the research projects "Study Situation and Student Orientations" based on the 13 surveys of the Student Survey.