
New Release - Police in Africa

State police forces in Africa are a curiously neglected subject of study, even within the framework of security issues and African states. This book brings together criminologists, anthropologists, sociologists, historians, political scientists and others who have engaged with police forces across the continent and the publics with whom they interact to provide street-level perspectives from below and inside Africa’s police forces.





Divergent resource claims in plural ecologies. Case studies from Southeast Asia (Workshop). Organized by Judith Beyer (University of Konstanz) and Birgit Bräuchler (Monash University, Australia).

Sprechstunde bei Dr. Mario Krämer

Wenn Sie eine Sprechstunde bei Dr. Krämer wünschen, vereinbaren Sie bitte per Email einen Termin über Mario.Kraemer@uni-konstanz.de.

Vielen Dank!

Working with Narratives - Interdisciplinary Conversations - Workshop

Narrative and storytelling are at the center of long-standing academic discussions in various disciplines like philology, psychology, social anthropology and sociology. In order to find out more about narrative approaches — and approaches to narratives —, their differences and commonalities, we would like to bring academics and practitioners of relevant disciplinary backgrounds into conversation.


Die DFG stellt für drei Jahre rund 1,4 Mio Euro für das Forschungsvorhaben „Aktuelle europäische Binnen- und Flüchtlingsmigration nach Deutschland: Zuzugsprozesse und frühe Integrationsverläufe“ zur Verfügung.