Just published online in PLOS ONE:

Media coverage, fake news, and the diffusion of xenophobic violence: A fine-grained county-level analysis of the geographic and temporal patterns of arson attacks during the German refugee crisis 2015–2017

The open access article by Thomas Hinz, Sandra Walzenbach, Johannes Laufer and Franziska Weeber has been published online on 20 July 2023 at PLOS ONE and is available here.

Cite: Hinz T., Walzenbach S., Laufer J., Weeber F. (2023). Media coverage, fake news, and the diffusion of xenophobic violence: A fine-grained county-level analysis of the geographic and temporal patterns of arson attacks during the German refugee crisis 2015–2017

. PLOS ONE 18(7): e0288645. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0288645