Articles in edited volumes


Unsicheres Wissen. Die asymmetrische Ko-Konstruktion von Plausibilität in britischen Asylverfahren. In: Vorläufige Gewissheiten. Plausibilität als soziokulturelle Praxis, Thomas G. Kirsch and Christina Wald (eds.). Edition Kulturwissenschaft. Bilefeld: Transcript. pp 129-149.


Legal pluralism. The customization of state and religious law in Kyrgyzstan. In: Feaux de la Croix, Jeanne and Madeleine Reeves (eds.). Central Asian Worlds. Handbook on Central Asian Anthropology. London: Routledge. pp. 393-404.


Law. In: Montgomery, David (Ed.): Central Asia. Contexts for Understanding. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, pp. 393-404.


Nationalismus oder Terrorismus? Der burmesische Mönch Wirathu. In Kärgel, Jana (Hg.) Terrorismus im 21. Jahrhundert. Perspektiven. Kontroversen. Blinde Flecken. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. pp. 332-333.


Das Recht der Anderen. Rechtsethnologie zwischen Pluralität, Indigenität und Alterität. In: Boulanger, Christian, Julika Rosenstock und Tobias Singlestein (eds.). Interdisziplinäre Rechtsforschung. Eine Einführung. Wiesbaden: Springer. pp. 91-108.


Saving Face, Evoking Law. On the Usefulness of Symbolization Theory for Legal Anthroplogy. In: Girke, Felix, Sophia Thubauville and Wolbert Smidt (eds.): Anthropology as Homage. Festschrift for Ivo Strecker. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, pp. 289-304.


Houses of Islam : Muslims, property rights and the state in Myanmar. In: Crouch, Melissa, ed.. Islam and the State in Myanmar : Muslim-Buddhist Relations and the Politics of Belonging. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 127-155.


Ordering Ideals. Accomplishing Well-Being in a Kyrgyz Cooperative of Elders. In: Montgomery, David (ed.): Negotiating Well-Being in Central Asia. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 10-25.

(together with Johan Rasanayagam and Madeleine Reeves) Introduction: Performances, possibilities, and practices of the political in Central Asia. In: Reeves, Madeleine, Johan Rasanayagam and Judith Beyer (eds.): Ethnographies of the state in Central Asia. Performing politics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 1-26.

'There is this law.' Performing the state in the Kyrgyz courts of elders. In: Reeves, Madeleine, Johan Rasanayagam and Judith Beyer (eds.): Ethnographies of the state in Central Asia. Performing politics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 99-123.


Settling descent: Place-making and genealogy in Talas, Kyrgyzstan. In: Reeves, Madeleine (ed.). Movement, power and place in Central Asia and beyond: Contested trajectories. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 97-110.


Authority as accomplishment. Intergenerational dynamics in Talas, Northern Kyrgyzstan. In: Sengupta, Anita and Suchandana Chatterjee (eds). Eurasian Perspectives. In search of alternatives. New Delhi: Shipra, pp. 78-92.


Rhetoric of 'transformation': The case of the Kyrgyz constitutional reform. In: Berg, Andrea and Anna Kreikemeyer (eds.): Realities of transformation: Democratization  policies in Central Asia revisited. Baden-Baden: Nomos. pp, 43-62.


Die Aksakal-Gerichte in Kirgistan: Historische Entwicklung und aktuelle Situation einer traditionellen Rechtsinstanz in Zentralasien. In: Kemper, Michael and Maurus Reinkowski (eds.): Rechtspluralismus in der islamischen Welt: Gewohnheitsrecht zwischen Staat und Gesellschaft. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 342-358 (in German).

Sravnitelnyi analiz transformacionnykh processov v Kyrgyzstane i Nigerii (Zapadnaia  Afrika) [Vergleichende Analyse von Transformationsprozessen in Kirgistan und Nigeria]. In: Iskakova, Gulnara: Konstitutsionnoe stroitelstvo prezidentsko-parlamentskikh vzaimootno-shenii na postsovetskom prostranstve. Bishkek: Soros-Foundation, pp. 44-55 (auf Russisch).