Promotion of Participation and Citizenship in Europe through the "Advocacy and Legal Advice Centres (ALACs)" of Transparency International


Project Publications


1. Dirk Tänzler/Konstantinos Maras/Angelos Giannakopoulos: The Social Construction of Corruption in Europe.

2. Angelos Giannakopoulos/Angela Keller-Herzog/Dirk Tänzler: ALACs (Advocacy and Legal Advice Centres). An Innovative Instrument for the Promotion of Participation and Citizenship in Europe by “Transparency International” and the Significance of the Co-operation between Non-Governmental Organisations and Social Science, in: Mark Coester/Erich Marks (Hrsg.): International Perspectives of Crime Prevention, Contribution from the 2nd Annual International Forum/German Congress on Crime Prevention, Mönchengladbach 2008: Forum Verlag, pp. 99-117

3. Ben Elers/Angelos Giannakopoulos/Dirk Tänzler: Citizens’ Participation and Anti-corruption: The Advocacy and Legal Advice Centres of Transparency International and the EU-funded Project “ALACs”, in: Dianna Schmidt-Pfister/Sebastian Wolf (eds.): Anti-corruption Regimes in Europe (to be published by Nomos Verlag) pdf download

4. Dirk Tänzler: Transparency International. Von der Moralinstitution zur Politikberatungsagentur – Professionalisierungsstrategien in einer globalen Nonprofit-Organisation pdf download